Wisdom for your Wellbeing


My mission is to support individuals and groups of people in their journey towards optimal health, wellbeing and inner balance through holistic tools and guidance.

What I’ve found is that when people start by focusing on their own health and wellbeing, they are more likely to lead in life with greater awareness. This tends to bring maximised impact at work and greater ease in their lives as a whole - even when placed in highly stressful environments full of pressure to perform and lots of responsibility. 


I offer individuals and businesses support in their journey towards optimal health, wellbeing and inner balance through holistic tools and guidance. 


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About Mai

Mai supports people in their journey towards optimal health, wellbeing and inner balance by teaching them to honour their bodies and emotional feedback the same as they do their minds. With today’s rates of burnout, stress, anxiety and physical ailments, it’s clear how vital elements are missing in how many of us have been taught to live and relate with ourselves and others. For both humans and workplaces to function optimally we need to grow our awareness and (re-) integrate these things. This is what she teaches.

Read more about Mai


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      Join Mai’s newsletter to receive bundles of health and wellbeing inspiration right to your inbox. Encouragement to live life with inner balance and a body geared for longevity is what you’re signing up for + you’ll get access to one of Mai’s guided meditations, designed to help you connect with yourself to bring in more calm and balance into your life.